Sunday, June 29, 2008

Don't Push Your Luck with the SF Chronicle Webnazis

I've recently started commenting on Chronicle articles online. So, I decided to set up a profile and use my favorite anti-Obama image as a profile picture.
I clicked upload and the image was replaced with a message: "Image Pending Approval." Okay, fine, they want to make sure it's not pornographic (although, given the pictures published on the SFGate homepage almost daily, I'm not sure why they'd be worried about that even). I logged in today and saw what they'd done to my image.

Here's the Original:

Here's the image after the Chronicle staff was finished with it:

Appropriately sanitized for the Chronicle's standards of tolerance and diversity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow this is an awesome image of Obama that really highlights the hush-hush 'elements' that plague his background and associates.

I'm so tired of seeing his image with hope and change, when what he really stands for is good old fascism!

Liberals need to read a history book.

Someone should make a shirt with this! I'd wear it.