Thursday, June 26, 2008

Score One for Truth Justice and the American Way

I must confess, I actually lost sleep last night thinking about the soon-to-be-released Supreme Court decision on the DC gun ban. Nerdy, much? I am also trying to figure out a way to rationalize printing all 157 pages of the decision to Mr. Urb so I can read it without sitting in front of Lappy all day. And I'm thinking about steak and milkshakes because this is such a gosh darn great day for America (and PS - I never eat or like either of those foods). It feels almost sacreligious that I am still planning on making turkey tacos for dinner.

Anyway - Gavin Newsom's petulant reaction to the Heller decision (I am so excited to teach this part of American history to my kids) is, well, typical. He is Lord Ruler and all-wise and any one who's opinion (or hey, judicial fiat) differs with his omnipotent views is either stupid or sheltered (privileged) or malignant (as in - aggressively malicious, not fast-growing cancer).

"Mayor Gavin Newsom said the ruling "just flies in the face of reality. You just wish the Supreme Court could spend a week in public housing and then come out with this decision. It's very easy and comfortable to stand there with security guards and metal detectors and make these decisions."
Hey Mayor, how about you spend a week in public housing without the following: bodyguard (who, I am sure, carries a weapon), manicurist and hair gel. And maybe you should have a conversation with our good friend DiFi who has carried a gun for years (all while doing everything in her power to make sure average citizens cannot). Law-abiding gun owners the world over will tell you, gun control laws don't stop criminals from being criminals! They make criminals think twice because their next victim might be packing heat.

Forecast for DC in the near future: less crime.

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