Tuesday, July 8, 2008

More on the JROTC Ban

C.W. Nevius at the Chronicle spoke out against ousting JROTC in SF public schools. I'm glad to see him pointing out that two of the school board members supporting the measure are running for supervisor seats in November and are therefore, trying hard to increase their liberal street cred.

Of course Gavin Newsom had to show up to the pro-JROTC rally (probably still nervous about his little "slip-up" with the illegal immigrant shield). No doubt he took a poll and found out that people from SF are supportive of the program.

Also in the article:

"It's also red meat for those conservative blogs and news outlets that want to paint San Francisco as a nutty outpost that tries to impose its views on everyone else."

Newsflash: San Francisco *is* a nutty outpost. Has this guy ever seen what goes on at the Folsom Street Fair or Pride Parade every year? That is not normal behavior to the rest of the country. In fact, probably a lot of it violates laws on the books in SF (see previous post about quality of life crimes being overlooked). Also, gay marriage anyone? And in the beginning of the article, Nevius lists "universal healthcare" as an issue that allows people to express themselves and control their own life. Clearly, he hasn't been to the DMV in awhile.

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