Wednesday, July 2, 2008

No Comment?

Right around the time he was passing the buck on the whole illegal immigrant crack dealer scandal, Gavin Newsom also announced the formation of his exploratory committee for a possible 2010 gubernatorial campaign.

With all the outcry about the crack dealer debacle, you can imagine a lot of people had opinions about Mayor Newsom running the whole State (um, how about NO?). At last count, there were around 78 comments on the article. But then, *poof!* comments = gone.

"Comments have been removed from this article.

Back to Article."
I've emailed the author of the article, Carla Marinucci...we'll see if there's a response.

Update: I received emails both from Carla Marinucci and someone from SFGate's web people, they both said it was basically a "technical error" and comments are now open. All original comments were "lost."

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