Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Too Little, Too Late?

Over here in the category of absurd:

S.F. mayor shifts policy on illegal offenders.

Practicing his best "I was for it before I was against it" impression, Mayor Newsom announced today that the juvenile illegal immigrant felons will be turned over to the feds for deportation. Amazingly, he managed to conjure up the "authority" to make this big policy decision just one day after proclaiming that such decisions were entirely out of his power.

Let's review, shall we?


"I don't have the authority here," Newsom said at a City Hall news conference as he stood beside his handpicked juvenile probation director, William Siffermann. "I have a bully pulpit. The courts have the authority here. [...] The question you need to ask is why the courts, the D.A. and the public defender are directing (the Juvenile Probation Department) to do that, [...] [Juvenile Probation Department Direction William Sifferman] is told by the courts to do this. ... The D.A. and judges and public defender all tell chief Siffermann what to do."


"All I can say is, I can't explain away the past," Newsom said. "I take responsibility, I take it. We are moving in a different direction.[...]There has been a lack of clarity, however, on our policy toward juveniles who commit felonies. ... I have directed my administration to work in cooperation with the federal government on all felony cases."
So, I'm confused. Authority or no authority? Which is it, Mayor Newsom?

Oh hey, also, way to through your man Sifferman under the bus:

He said the decision to send the juveniles to the unlocked group home in San Bernardino County "was wrong. It was a mistake, and he (Siffermann) needs to answer for that. I'm not pleased about any of this."

Yes, he's definitely ready for higher office.

No matter what, this is not the kind of management that California needs. A plea of ignorance doesn't undo the $2.3 million (yes, million) spent on inappropriately detaining illegal juvenile felons. Newsom should have put a stop to the entire Sanctuary City policy ages ago, especially if you consider our city's $338 million dollar deficit. I'm guessing (and I have to research this further) that eliminating spending on illegal aliens would alleviate a considerable amount of our budget woes.

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